

To qualify for student registration at HCCS, students must submit an accurate and complete application form including a parent or guardian signature. Applications without the proper signature cannot be considered.

2025-2026 Enrollment Application [English & Spanish]

HCCS Enrollment Policy (updated June 2021)


Please complete one application for each child you wish to enroll and complete all of the information on this form. Please attach copy of proof of residency.
The Holyoke Community Charter School accepts applications for students entering Kindergarten through Grade 8.



Select the grade the student will be entering in September 1, 2025. Children entering Kindergarten must be 5 years old by September 1, 2025.
Photography & Filming Consent

During the academic year, the school may take photographs, film videos, webcam recordings, and/or voice recordings (Materials) of the students. Such Materials may be filmed by the school during school hours and regular classrooms, school events, SABIS® events, activities promoting school programs or promoting SABIS®, sporting events, classroom events and/or additional school or regional activities, or as part of general testimonials or provided by the student or the parent and shared with the School. The Materials may be used in marketing campaigns with goals and purposes including but not limited to promoting the School and SABIS®, their educational products, and activities including extra- curricular activities (Purpose). These Materials may be used in digital and print format through SABIS Educational Services SAL and on school websites, social media pages, news bulletins, billboards, newsletters and ads and may be shared with other SABIS® companies and member Schools in the SABIS® Network to be used for the Purpose.
Please provide your response by selecting your choice below:

The information requested below will NOT be used for selection purposes. It will remain confidential. This information is only used to assist the school in evaluating the effectiveness of its recruitment process, and to plan for type of services needed.

Any and all information requested in this application, such as language spoken at home or race/ethnicity, is not intended, and will not be used to discriminate and it will not be considered during the lottery or enrollment process. Holyoke Community Charter School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, gender identity, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, creed, ethnicity, gender, mental or physical disability, age, ancestry, athletic performance, special need, proficiency in the English language or a foreign language, homelessness, or prior academic achievement. 603 CMR 1.06(I) This application and any attached documents will be kept on file for a period of three years from the date received. Any applicant not admitted to HCCS has the right, upon written request, to receive a copy of the documents before they are destroyed.


Parent/Guardian 1:

Parent/Guardian 2:


If yes, please list their names and grades below. You must fill out a new application for each student applying.


I confirm that this information is true and accurate.

Please write your full name

Holyoke Community Charter School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, gender identity, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, creed, ethnicity, mental or physical disability, age, ancestry, athletic performance, special needs, proficiency in the English language or a foreign language, homelessness, or prior academic achievement. 603 CMR 1.06(I). This application and any attached documents will be kept on file for a period of three years from the date received.
Any applicant not admitted to HCCS has the right, upon written request, to receive a copy of the documents before they are destroyed.


(*) Required Fields